34. Difference between Hibernate, EJB and JDBC






Security is provided for free for accessing the EJB.

Provides declarative transactions.

EJBs are pooled and cached. EJB life cycles are managed by the container.

Has remote access capabilities and can be clustered for scalability.


A lot less artifacts than EJB

2. x. Make use of annotations or attributes based programming.

Narrows the gap between EJB

2. x and O/R mapping.

Do support OO concepts like inheritance.


Simple to write CRUD (create, retrieve, update, delete) operations.

No container or application server is required and can be plugged into an existing container.

Tools are available to simplify

mapping relational data to objects and quick to develop.


You have complete control

over the persistence because this is the building blocks of nearly all other persistence technologies in Java.

Can call Stored Procedures.

Can manipulate relatively large data sets.


Need to understand the intricacies like rolling back a transaction, granularity etc, infrastructures like session facades, business delegates, value objects etc and strategies like lazy loading, dirty marker etc.

EJBs use lots of resources and have lots of artifacts.

Does not support OO concepts like inheritance.


Since it is new, might be too early to use in commercial projects.

It is still evolving.


Little or no capabilities for remote access and distributability.

Mapping schemas can be

tedious and O/R mapping

has its tricks like using lazy

initialization, eager loading

etc. What works for one may

not work for another.

Limited clustering capabilities.

Large data sets can still cause memory issues.

Support for security at a database level only and no support for role based security without any add on APIs like Aspect Oriented Programming etc.


You will have to write a lot of code to perform a little.

Easy to make mistakes in properly managing connections and can cause out of cursors issues.

Harder to maintain because changes in schemas can cause lot of changes to your code.

Records need to be locked manually (e.g. select for update).

As a rule of thumb, suitable

for distributed and clustered

applications, which is heavily

transaction based. Records

in use say between 1 and 50.

As a rule of thumb, suitable for distributed and clustered applications, which is heavily transaction based. Records in

use say between 1 and 100.

Suitable for records in use

between 100 and 5000. Watch

out for memory issues, when

using large data sets.

Where possible stay away

from using JDBC unless you

have compelling reason to

use it for batch jobs where

large amount of data need to

be transferred, records in use

greater than 5000, required

to use Stored Procedures


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